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Data repositories

Giovedì, 11 Agosto 2016 09:38

CNR - Data Repository


INGV - Data Repository


OGS - Data Repository

Insert Metadata

Giovedì, 11 Agosto 2016 09:28
  • To record your metadata login to IADC site with your ID account and access by the home user menu at the filed metadata.
  • The page will visualize your metadata if any. To insert new metadata please acces to the form by the command in the upper left corner.
  • Proceed filling all the field and then save. If you have more than one data set for the same project please compile another form.
  • Metadata USER GUIDE (pdf format)
  • Insert METADATA


    Mercoledì, 10 Agosto 2016 09:00

    The information on the data collected in the frame of ARCA project are recorded by adopting the recommendations of the EC Regulation and referring the INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules: Technical Guidelines based on EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 19119.

    The Metadata format has been implemented in the data management system of the Italian Arctic Data Center (IADC) managed of the CNR to provide data information and data access to the wide scientific community operating in the Arctic.

    The IADC system was conceived the data for the discover visualization and access and the visualization, and the download of the data collected in the Svalbard and in particular the Kongsfjord area.

    The completion of the interoperability of the system IADC will allow to link all the metadata of the data set collected by the italian research community operating in the Arctic. The full implementation of the system will allow discovery, visualization, access to catalogs and data through a Main Node which in turn will be 'interconnected to external systems according to recognized international standard.