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Venerdì, 28 Agosto 2015 14:45

ARctic: present Climatic change and pAst extreme events (ARCA)

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ARCA aims to develop a conceptual model on the mechanism(s) behind the release of large volumes of cold and fresh water from melting of ice caps, investigating this complex system from both paleoclimatic and modern air-sea-ice interaction process point of view. ARCA fits well within the Italian Strategy for Arctic (Read more).

Activities of ARCA project include:

  • support to an international scientific drilling campaign (CORIBAR) and analyses of resulting data,
  • intensive campaigns aimed to study the energy balance at the surface interaction processes and air-sea-ice (along the edge of the tidewater glaciers that overlook the Kongsfjorden),
  • the acquisition / data sharing for monitoring the dynamics of large outlet glaciers of Greenland.


Qualifying elements of the proposed activity will be:

  • the development and testing of new technologies aimed at improving process investigation at the interfaces of the different system components, in particular hydrosphere-atmosphere and hydrosphere-cryosphere,
  • the implementation of an ICT distributed structure, based on thematic and multidisciplinary nodes and brokering approach concepts, for managing, use and dissemination of data to the scientific community and beyond,
  • the upgrade of existing observational platforms, with the aim to (1) exploit efforts made by the groups partecipating to ARCA in the same areas and measuements sites since the International Polar Year (IPY) operational period (2007-2009), and (2) leave a significant legacy for future activities.




Read publication ARctic: present Climatic change and pAst extreme events


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