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WP4 - Conceptual model and distributed system for the management, use and dissemination of data

Specific activities
Study of processes and parameters driving fresh water and sediment supply. Comparisons on a regional scale with other glacial systems (ice streams, outlet glaciers).
Definition of the distributed network architecture, deployment nodes.


Expected results
    - Summary obtained through the results of WPs 1-3 and development of conceptual models for the study of various phenomena and processes.
    - Integration of complementary expertizes by participant institutions, establishment of an interdisciplinary multi-institution team .
    - Collaboration with international partners involved in the CORIBAR experiment.
    - Implementation of a distributed structure based on the brokering approach concept, with nodes managed by different participants and a central infrastructure at the CNR.

WP3 - Reconstruction of extreme meltwater events

Mercoledì, 11 Novembre 2015 11:02
WP3 - Reconstruction of extreme meltwater events

WP3 - Reconstruction of extreme meltwater events

Specific activities
Dispersal mechanisms, age and recurrence of meltwater processes, quantification of sediment supplied based on lithological and geophysical data in Storfjorden and Kveithola; studies of magnetic and paleomagnetic properties of sediment cores, speleothem-based paleoclimate reconstructions.

Institution: INGV - OGS

Expected results
    - CORIBAR drilling campaign in Storfjorden and data analysis.
    - High-resolution reference paleoclimate record based on speleothems.

WP2 - Evolution and Dynamics of the glacial cap and outlet glaciers in Greenland

WP2 - Evolution and Dynamics of the glacial cap and outlet glaciers in Greenland

Specific activities
Greenland outlet glaciers monitoring observed by the analysis of seismic data collected through the regional seismic network Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN) trying also to find out correspondence in the glacier tongue evolution derived by the observation of satellite images. By studying the long period seismic signals at stations located at the mouth of large fjords (e.g. ILULI, NUUG, KULLO), we identify major calving events through the detection of the ground flexure in response to seiche waves generated by iceberg detachments. For the time spanning the period between 2010-2014, we fill out calving-events catalogue that can be useful for the estimation of spatial and temporal variations in volume of ice loss at major active fronts in Greenland. Seismic data were inverted using Radio Echo Sounding (RES) reliable 3D models of the glacier outlet areas trying to discriminate the physical condition of the ice-bedrock interfaces.

Institution: INGV - OGS

Expected results
    - Maps of wet/dry bedrock-ice interface in some areas of Greenland.
    - Catalogue of the most significant calving events for some of major glaciers.
    - Theoretical model of the seismic signal produced by the iceberg-fjord interaction.


Task 1.1 - Radiation and energy budgets and fluxes of mass, heat and momentum at the air-snow-ground interface

Specific activities
Radiation energy budgets, Arctic ABL dynamics, role of clouds, water vapor, aerosols and albedo, influence of the chemical composition on the radiative balance in the strato-mesosphere, development of parameterizations for climate models at the regional scale.


Expected results
    - Meteo-climate peculiarities of Kongsfjorden, in particular in periods of seasonal transition: characterization, cataloguing.
    - Parameterization of the exchange processes between the surface and the atmosphere, especially in reference to radiation and energy budgets.
    - Integration of information and data acquired from the scientific platforms in the information system.
    - Construction of the catalogue of measures.

Task 1.2 – Oceanographic observations and processes at atmosphere-hydrosphere-cryosphere interfaces

Specific activities
Circulation, dispersion and sedimentation processes, ocean exchanges, at airsea fluxes in the fjord reconstruction of recent history by sedimentary deposits (100-200 years).


Expected results
    - Hydrological survey and oceanographic observing site maintenance.
    - Water and carbon fluxes at the interfaces of the Kongsfjorden.
    - Map of the thicknesses of modern sediment in the inner fjord.


Mercoledì, 11 Novembre 2015 10:53

CNR - National Research Council - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche               INGV -                OGS              

About us

Venerdì, 28 Agosto 2015 14:45

ARctic: present Climatic change and pAst extreme events (ARCA)

Download publications ARctic: present Climatic change and pAst extreme events in PDF format

ARCA aims to develop a conceptual model on the mechanism(s) behind the release of large volumes of cold and fresh water from melting of ice caps, investigating this complex system from both paleoclimatic and modern air-sea-ice interaction process point of view. ARCA fits well within the Italian Strategy for Arctic (Read more).

Activities of ARCA project include:

  • support to an international scientific drilling campaign (CORIBAR) and analyses of resulting data,
  • intensive campaigns aimed to study the energy balance at the surface interaction processes and air-sea-ice (along the edge of the tidewater glaciers that overlook the Kongsfjorden),
  • the acquisition / data sharing for monitoring the dynamics of large outlet glaciers of Greenland.


Qualifying elements of the proposed activity will be:

  • the development and testing of new technologies aimed at improving process investigation at the interfaces of the different system components, in particular hydrosphere-atmosphere and hydrosphere-cryosphere,
  • the implementation of an ICT distributed structure, based on thematic and multidisciplinary nodes and brokering approach concepts, for managing, use and dissemination of data to the scientific community and beyond,
  • the upgrade of existing observational platforms, with the aim to (1) exploit efforts made by the groups partecipating to ARCA in the same areas and measuements sites since the International Polar Year (IPY) operational period (2007-2009), and (2) leave a significant legacy for future activities.




Read publication ARctic: present Climatic change and pAst extreme events



CNR - National Research Council - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche               INGV -                OGS