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Environmental Changes in the Arctic: an Italian Perspective Featured

 Springer - Rendiconti Lincei

Free download from 3 to 16 October

É on line il volume speciale, edito da Springer, dei Rendiconti Lincei "Environmental Changes in the Arctic: an Italian Perspective" che raccoglie le attivita' e i risultati delle ricerche effettuate in Artico ed in particolare presso la stazione Dirigibile Italia gestita dal Dipartimento Scienze del Sistema Terra  e  Tecnologie per l'Ambiente (DTA).


Global warming affects the Arctic two/four times faster than any other region of the planet. The components of the climate system react to changes with an immediate impact and on the living system. To better understand mechanisms of arctic amplification and assess consequences at mid-latitudes and on the rest of the Planet, the research in the Arctic has rapidly grown in the last two decades. The Italian scientists have also significantly contributed to this growth with researches conducted in Svalbard Islands, in Greenland and on the seas of the Arctic. The volume presents the recent achievements they gathered highlighting the state of art and future perspectives of Italian research in the Arctic.

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